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Want A Better Way To Divorce? Work With A Co-Mediation Team!
While you were in grade school, if you wanted to play kickball and your friend wanted to play jump rope, you might have resolved this issue by tossing a coin, drawing straws, demanding to play your game, taking turns playing both, or deciding you’d both play something else.
Most of us have never really learned any Read more
Why The Big Rush To Divorce?
Generally, people come into my office when they are feeling angry, sad, distant from, or just plain fed up with their spouse and their marriage. Sometimes people want to learn about divorce and think about whether or not it is the best solution to the problems they have been experiencing. Other times they feel certain, even before they walk in my door, that Read more
A Divorce Survival Toolkit
When it comes to figuring out how to survive a divorce, no need to re-invent the wheel. Here are some practical survive-your-divorce tips from a recent article I co-authored for the Huffington Post Read more
Divorce Coaching Over the Phone Works
More and more services and products are just a click or a phone call away, so why not divorce coaching, too? A Massachusetts divorce client whom I helped to successfully navigate through the divorce process and beyond recently decided to move to another state. When this newly divorced mother of three contacted me, I offered to help her find a professional divorce coach Read more
Divorced? Press ‘Enter’ To Begin Dating
Please read my new article for the Huffington Post Divorce Blog, co-written with collaborative attorney, Paula H. Noe Read more
Want To Live Longer? Think “We” Instead of “I”!
It may be true that “Money makes the world go round”, but social connections: relationships with colleagues, peers, and in the community, make us live longer! In Jane Brody’s Personal Health column (New York Times, March 27, 2012) she states that “In study after study…people in loving relationships with spouses or friends were healthier than those lacking this intimacy, even when the latter had healthier living habits. Read more
Divorce Mediation Made Easy With Two Different Mediators
Do you want an easier divorce process that yields a complete, legally sound, psychologically realistic parenting plan for you and your children? If so, use two mediation specialists: one with a mental health background, to work through all of the child and transition related issues, and one with family law expertise, to address all of the legal aspects of your divorce and draft your agreement. Read more
Divorcing Clients With Good Negotiation Skills Do Better!
Clients who know how to: negotiate, keep emotions in check, and use words to get their points across, seem to do better during the divorce process and beyond. Part of my work as a divorce coach is to pay close attention to how clients react when they are getting what they want and when they are not. Read more
How Long Does A Good Divorce Take?
What does it mean when a person says they want to be divorced as quickly as possible? I can never be quite sure. Generally, people come into my office when they are feeling angry, sad, distant from, or just plain fed up with their spouse and their marriage. Read more
How To Get More of What You Want In Relationships
In order to get more of what you want in relationships, it’s important to recognize that there is a “choreography” to good relationships. When relationships work well, each person has Read more