Divorce Mediation Made Easy With Two Different Mediators

Do you want an easier divorce process that yields a complete, legally sound, psychologically realistic parenting plan for you and your children? If so, use two mediation specialists: one with a mental health background, to work through all of the child and transition related issues, and one with family law expertise, to address all of the legal aspects of your divorce and draft your agreement.

While attorney divorce mediators may be skillful and highly competent negotiators, they may not have the expertise in child development, relationships, and family dynamics of a mediator who is also a psychotherapist. And the opposite is also true as therapists who are also mediators do not draft divorce agreements. When it comes to your Massachusetts divorce, why not use two specialists? When figuring out all of the details of setting up two stable homes for your children (and you) to thrive in, working with a mediator with expertise in life transitions, establishing consistency and stability at home, and helping children (and adults) adjust to new social circles, neighborhoods, and environments makes good sense. After all, you wouldn’t go see a general practitioner for brain surgery, right? So, why not work with a mediator who is also a psychological specialist in helping you both sort out and get beyond the difficult emotional and adjustment issues? It just makes good sense to use two specialists rather than one divorce mediator with legal expertise only, right?

This does not have to cost you any more than using one mediator, by the way. You can use two mediators, one at a time, to cover the issues they know the most about. The mediators can talk with each other to make sure that your divorce agreement has all of the details, ideas, and understanding that you and your soon-to-be-ex have agreed upon. And there you have it: a complete, legally sound, psychologically realistic plan for you and your children through divorce and beyond.

One recently divorced mother of 3 who used two mediators talked about how using a therapist mediator helped her to create a parenting plan that really worked…not just on paper, while the attorney mediator helped her learn about different legal options she never knew she had. “I am so glad I had both”.

A divorced dad spoke of how his children’s realistic needs were built in to the parenting plan so that the schedule and how he and the children’s mother organized their lives, truly made sense for everyone (even for teens!).

When it comes to divorce, two great minds really are better than one! To learn more, contact me below.