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How Can I Be Happier?
It has been said that ‘Happiness is a moment by moment decision’, so if that is true, what do YOU need to do to be happier? Can you change your thinking to be happier or should you keep buying those lottery tickets? This will be a series of posts in which we will examine some common ideas about happiness. Read more
Co-Parenting After Divorce In The Here And Now
When it comes to co-parenting your child or children after divorce, the temptation to try to make up for the past is always present as feelings such as guilt, disappointment, and frustration (on the part of a co-parent) can interfere with your ability to parent in the ‘here and now’. Read more
If Divorce Is The Solution, What Is The Problem?
Your best chances at finding the right partner and creating a satisfying relationship going forward may depend on your answer to the ‘If divorce was the solution, what was the problem?’ question. Taking the time and energy to address this difficult divorce query now can greatly impact your future relationships and overall happiness. If your answer to this question was, MY SPOUSE, then undeniably, you are partially correct. However, if that is your only answer, then you are Read more
Why Does Divorce Seem To Take So Long?
Many people undergoing divorce feel as if time is just standing still and they aren’t getting anywhere…but they are. Even those who are in the midst of the divorce process and faced with some very big decisions (such as: will it be possible to stay in the family home, should the move out happen before or during the kids’ school year, how will we divide our belongings, etc.) might feel that nothing is happening. Why is this? There are many reasons why time seems to Read more
When Do You Go From “Divorced” To “Single”?
Recently, I used Google to pose this question, “When does the transition from ‘divorced’ to ‘single’ happen?” The answers I found were very interesting. Some message boards listed answers like: “As soon as the ink on your divorce agreement is dried”, or “Whenever you feel single, you are, even if you’re still married!”. Read more
How Do We Tell The Kids About Our Separation Or Divorce?
If only there were a fool-proof formula that parents could follow and feel reassured that they are saying the right thing, the right way, and at the right time when it comes to telling the children about your separation or divorce. Unfortunately, there is not, but there are some guidelines to follow that will surely help. These include: Read more
Should Divorcing Couples Try To Negotiate On Their Own?
In between collaborative divorce or mediation sessions, should you and your spouse try to come to agreement on issues at the dining room table? Read more
How Do You Choose A Therapist?
While the thought of trying to choose a psychotherapist might seem a little scary, intimidating or even overwhelming, it is not as difficult as you think. If you have ever picked a date for the prom, a baby sitter for your children, or a car to purchase, then you already know Read more
After Divorce Complications…
Have a look at my newest article published by the Huffington Post Divorce Blog. Co-written with Paula Noe,ESQ., this article addresses the unexpected issues such as grand-kids or friends-from-before that crop up years, even decades after divorce… Read more
What Is An On-Line Divorce Support Group?