Part 2 of a Series. In part one of this series, I outlined some of the external obstacles women encounter that can block their pathways to success and some common self-sabotaging behaviors they engage in. In Part 2, five personal/ internal reasons why women might self-sabotage their own success will be identified. Anyone will tell you that success comes at a cost. We all have thoughts and feelings about success and about what might happen if we had more of it. There are thoughts about the potential rewards (i.e.-fame, glory, riches, etc). BUT, we also have other thoughts, feelings, and concerns about what having more success might mean to us and how it might negatively impact our lives. If left unarticulated or unaddressed, these can shut us down, roadblock us, and cause us to sabotage our own chances. Here are 5 reasons why a woman might sabotage her own success: Read more
Frozen Eggs: A Novel Solution to the Work/Life Balance Issue?
Women who work outside the home have found it increasingly challenging to meet and balance all of their professional and personal life responsibilities. Will the recent announcement by Facebook and Apple, to enable women to put off starting a family (by covering expenses for freezing an employee’s eggs for later use) be a positive step? Read more
5 Reasons Why a Woman Might Sabotage Her Own Success
Part 2 of a Series. In part one of this series, I outlined some of the external obstacles women encounter that can block their pathways to success and some common self-sabotaging behaviors they engage in. In Part 2, five personal/ internal reasons why women might self-sabotage their own success will be identified. Anyone will tell you that success comes at a cost. We all have thoughts and feelings about success and about what might happen if we had more of it. There are thoughts about the potential rewards (i.e.-fame, glory, riches, etc). BUT, we also have other thoughts, feelings, and concerns about what having more success might mean to us and how it might negatively impact our lives. If left unarticulated or unaddressed, these can shut us down, roadblock us, and cause us to sabotage our own chances. Here are 5 reasons why a woman might sabotage her own success: Read more
Women, Success, and Criticism
One of the necessary ingredients to a woman’s ability to succeed in the workplace is her ability to accept and manage criticism, according to this recent New York Times article (“Learning to Love Criticism”, Sunday Review, 9.28.14) by Tara Mohr.
This article states that, based on a recent study conducted by, women are far more likely to receive negative feedback from their supervisors in the workplace AND the negative feedback women receive includes some kind of criticism of her personality 76 percent of the time (vs. 2 percent of the time for men). Read more
Are You Sabotaging Your Success? Part 1 in a Series
Why do some women seem to soar and succeed, while others – equally as talented and bright – never seem to reach the top of their game—could they be sabotaging their own success?
The professional women I’ve met and worked with are bright, hard working, and talented. So why aren’t they all as successful as Oprah Winfrey, Sheryl Sandberg, or Hillary Clinton? Read more
What If You Do And Don’t Want A Divorce?
Believe it or not, when it comes to the most important issues, we humans are naturally of two minds and often find ourselves both wanting and not wanting the exact same thing, to some degree. In other words, we are naturally ambivalent about most things—we see the potential positives and the potential negatives of situations. Read more
Will We Ever Agree On Co-Parenting Issues?
Deep Relaxation In Only Five Minutes With Betsy Ross
Deep relaxation is essential for good health, balance, and a positive outlook, but most of us don’t even know HOW to relax deeply. We don’t relax enough and when we do, we don’t relax as deeply as we could. In just five minutes, you can learn to relax deeply. Read more
The Power Of An Apology In Divorce
Even though your divorce may already be under way, a genuine and heartfelt apology for your part in the breakdown of your marriage can help! Read my newest article in the Huffington Post Divorce Blog on the power of apologies: Read more
Professional Women: In Order To Move Forward….Retreat!
Professional Retreats are becoming more and more popular these days, perhaps because women are feeling more stressed and less valued in the workplace (according to a study conducted in 2013 by the American Psychological Association). Wouldn’t it be great if YOU could take time out and hit the ‘reset’ button while also networking, replenishing yourself, and learning something new? Read more
The “Typical” American Family? Look Again!
If you think you know what a “typical” family in America looks like these days, think again. The predominance of cohabiting couples, same sex couples, and single parents challenge our traditional understanding of what a “family” is. Read more