Entries by Betsy Ross, LICSW

A Better Divorce For A Happier Life

Only one divorce process can teach clients new skills that they can use to live a better and happier life after the divorce. These days there are a number of divorce processes to choose from when seeking a Massachusetts divorce but only one of these can offer clients a chance to learn new communication, decision […]

Relationship Intelligence: Where Did You Learn How to Get Along With People?

Unfortunately, we don’t go to school to study how to have good relationships. Relationship skills, when it comes to work, family, and social relationships, develop differently depending on how and where you grew up. So, where did you get your information on how to get along with people? If you were lucky enough to be […]

Relationship Intelligence: Reality Testing Your Friendships

Ever wonder if you are picking the right friends? Have you ever had that nagging feeling that your nearest and dearest might not be so devoted? Here is a reality test that you can use to learn more about who is and who isn’t truly in your corner. Do the Dance Relationships have a choreography […]

Should You Take A Failed Marriage Personally?

Not necessarily so says Laura Munson of the Huffington Post Divorce Blog. In her thought provoking new post at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/laura-munson/choosing-your-emotions-in_b_845897.html she talks about the importance of looking beyond the words that your oh-so-unhappy-soon-to-be- ex might be saying about you, and quieting down your own internal negative chatter and not jumping to the conclusion that it […]

Who Needs A Divorce Coach?

Most people have heard of divorce attorneys and mediators, but what does a divorce coach do and who needs one? View this full post by Betsy Ross, LICSW