‘E-Therapy’: Psychological Band Aid, Effective Healing, or Both?

These are uncertain and stressful times and for those who like to feel ‘in charge’ of themselves and their life’s direction, it can be even more challenging. Help and support are available, but, like everything else these days, assistance comes primarily virtually. And, beginning or shifting to virtual or ‘E-Therapy’ can pose challenges to us as we juggle our work and our children’s schedules, struggle to find quiet and privacy (many sessions are conducted in cars), and contend with the ebb and flow of our own energy levels (it takes a lot of energy just to move through the day, no less accomplish anything).
What can we expect then to achieve in E-Therapy at this time? As reported by a number of my patients, many are viewing their sessions as a lifeline connecting them back to their sense of themselves through this time of uncertainty and constant change as well as providing an emotional resting place or ‘time-out’, amidst the chaos. Others talk of gaining deeper insights to previously unknown strengths and aspects of themselves as well as a re-prioritizing of important values such as connection, kindness, and community. Others still are focusing primarily on problem solving the new challenges that 24/7 life at home in a pandemic has brought to them and to their families.
Whatever your need, a psychological band aid to get you through the rough spots or deeper exploration to move you toward potential healing, talk therapy on the telephone or via video chat can help. Whatever your circumstances, life at home these days seems to offer an abundance of free time, so, what better time is there to consider giving talk therapy a try?
To learn more or to set up an initial consultation, feel free to email me at [email protected]
To Your Health,
Betsy Ross, LICSW, CGP