Women, Success, and Criticism
One of the necessary ingredients to a woman’s ability to succeed in the workplace is her ability to accept and manage criticism, according to this recent New York Times article (“Learning to Love Criticism”, Sunday Review, 9.28.14) by Tara Mohr.
This article states that, based on a recent study conducted by Fortune.com, women are far more likely to receive negative feedback from their supervisors in the workplace AND the negative feedback women receive includes some kind of criticism of her personality 76 percent of the time (vs. 2 percent of the time for men).
To fully tap into the talent pool, we need both genders to thrive and succeed in the workplace—so what must happen to even out these numbers so both men and women receive the type of feedback they need to enhance their skills, tweak their approaches, and grow?
Here’s the link to the full article:Learning to Love Criticism