Tag Archive for: divorce success

If Divorce Is The Solution, What Is The Problem?

Your best chances at finding the right partner and creating a satisfying relationship going forward may depend on your answer to the ‘If divorce was the solution, what was the problem?’ question. Taking the time and energy to address this difficult divorce query now can greatly impact your future relationships and overall happiness. If your answer to this question was, MY SPOUSE, then undeniably, you are partially correct. However, if that is your only answer, then you are Read more

Why The Big Rush To Divorce?

Generally, people come into my office when they are feeling angry, sad, distant from, or just plain fed up with their spouse and their marriage. Sometimes people want to learn about divorce and think about whether or not it is the best solution to the problems they have been experiencing. Other times they feel certain, even before they walk in my door, that Read more

I Really Wanted The Divorce So Why Do I Feel So Bad?

A client spoke with me recently about how exhausted she had been feeling. This took her quite by surprise as, after years and years of unhappiness and finally feeling able to move ahead with a divorce, she had hoped to feel better. She didn’t expect to feel so irritable, de-energized, and just plain tired out. “Why should I feel so lousy if I’ve finally gotten up the nerve to ask for what I want: A divorce, and the chance to move ahead toward a happier life?” Read more

A Better Divorce For A Happier Life

Only one divorce process can teach clients new skills that they can use to live a better and happier life after the divorce. These days there are a number of divorce processes to choose from when seeking a Massachusetts divorce but only one of these can offer clients a chance to learn new communication, decision making, and relationship skills.

Collaborative divorce

    provides clients with opportunities to improve relationships. They can learn how to fight less and talk more, make better decisions, think about and work toward realistic personal and family goals, and explore what is most important for living more successfully right now and in the future.

The collaborative process

    encourages clients to grow and develop themselves and work productively through the divorce process with an eye toward living a better life.

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